I am an undergraduate student at Bandung National Institute of Technology (ITENAS) majoring in Informatics. I have interest in web back-end development.
LearnOne is a learning management system (LMS) to help schools connect students and teachers more easily. LearnOne was sent to Garuda Hacks 2.0 on November 21st, 2021.
Check LearnOneFastAPI implementation of face recognition using several algorithms, such as yunet, yoloface, hog and cnn (face_recognition library), and vggface. This was an internship project.
Check ML APIFastAPI implementation of fine-tuned text classification IndoBERT. This was an internship project.
Check ML APITISIGRAM computational thinking competition was a competition for high school students in Bandung Raya to compete each other in computational thinking. I solved in total of 50 questions (30 in qualification and 20 in finals) and a score of 100/100 in the finals.
Verify CertificateKomodo Hacks (www.komodohacks.org) is a 48 hours hackathon with 3 tracks: Health, Student Welfare, and Sustainable Development. My project was Pikitup which was created by 4 person. Pikitup is a prototype startup to solve waste problems in the world by offering users to sell their trash for an exchange of in-website coin that can be converted to real life money.
Verify DevPost ProjectCS50x is an entry-level online course from Harvard University that teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development.
Verify CertificateCS50P is an entry-level online course from Harvard University. Whereas CS50x itself focuses on computer science more generally as well as programming with C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript, this course, aka CS50P, is entirely focused on programming with Python.
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